Today, September 8th 2016, is International Literacy Day. Improving adult literacy in Aotearoa is an urgent challenge. Skills Highway literacy and numeracy training is changing working lives, and here we share the story of our Pacific Pathways Workplace Literacy Programme. A special thank you to Skills Highway and The Learning Wave
s Skills Highway Award winners in 2013, this video highlights our ongoing literacy journey.
With English being a second language for 90% of staff, our CEO Hamish Crooks knew the training was essential.
“It’s a great workforce. Multi-lingual, multi-talented. It participates more than it ever has.”
Training provider, The Learning Wave’s GM Richard Moxon says literacy skills are embedded into a relevant programme focused on patient care plans. The ultimate benefit is better health outcomes for the clients.
“The programme has created a workforce which is able to share with each other, work effectively together and this essentially benefits the clients at home and the community that Pacific Homecare is here to serve,” says Richard.
The full version of the video is available here.