“Finally!” Says Liveti, after receiving her employee of the month award for January 2024. It is the first time in her 20 years of service that she has been awarded for her dedication and amazing work ethic. Though it was my first time meeting her, Liveti presents as a warm figure. She is someone who cares very much about her job, and more so, her clients.

Originally, Liveti hails from Tonga, but spent some time in Fiji. She then moved to Aotearoa with her husband in 1990. Once in New Zealand, Liveti worked as a factory worker for some time, before finding a job as a support worker at Pacific Homecare. She said, “I used to think I wouldn’t enjoy being a support worker, but once I started the job here, I really loved it!”

Liveti is extremely client focused. “My favourite part of the job is working with long-term clients… I have been working with some younger disabled boys for 20 years now, so I have gotten to watch them grow up.” Liveti says it is her clients that inspire her to show up to work everyday, explaining; “I hardly ever take sick leave, but when I do, I am worrying about my clients thinking, who is helping them today, are they getting what they need?”

“I can be kinder and help the people who need it… when I leave clients houses, I feel like I have delivered something they need, and that makes me happy.”

Although Liveti is the caregiver to the clients she works with, she explains that working in the crucial role of support worker has taught her a lot about herself. “From working with vulnerable people, and trying to help others, I have realised how much it has helped me to understand myself. I have realised that there are somethings I can’t change in life, but I can change myself, and my attitude. I can be kinder and help the people who need it… when I leave clients houses, I feel like I have delivered something they need, and that makes me happy.”

Liveti’s positive outlook and passion for her career is truly admirable. I think we could all learn a thing or two from her. Thank you Liveti for being such an inspiring human in our workforce and spreading kindness.

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