Happy to welcome the Whanau Ora Review panel to our humble office this morning.
The six members traveled from Invercargill, Wellington, Gisborne, Napier, Hamilton, Auckland to be with us today and we are privileged to be included in their schedule.
As one of the core providers, it was our honor to represent our vulnerable families today in front of this panel and to advocate for them on the importance of the invaluable Whanau Ora Service.
We were also accompanied by the Executive Director from Fonua Ola – Fiu Anae Wesley Tala’imanu who talked about the opportunity he and his team have had to empower our vulnerable families with information specifically about making financial decisions.
“When our families moved to New Zealand in the 70’s they were not well off but they were able to get by, and still save for a house to call home. I want to be able to empower our families to do that today ”
Fonua Ola and Pacific Homecare have collaborated in the past to deliver the Money Smart workshops for our families.
Among our welcoming committee were a few of our own Whanau Ora families who bravely shared their stories. Hearing the tough journey they have had to navigate through reiterates just how much of an impact such a service has.
Following the Korero session, we shared some wonderful kai and got to learn a bit more about the members of the panel and their support team and vice versa.
We are blessed with the opportunity to change the course of these lives, one family at a time and build future advocates and community supporters.
If you, your family, or someone in your community need support. Come in to the office to fill a form and our Navigators will be in contact.
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