Kia Orana Koutou Katoatoa
It’s celebration time at Pacific Homecare!
Last week was Cook Island language week. It was a great opportunity for all Kiwis to embrace the cultural diversity of New Zealand and celebrate the rich language and culture of the Cook Islands.
Our very own founders Mama Pi, Mama Matarina and our current CEO Hamish Crooks are all of Cook Island decent.
Pacific Homecare is a registered Charitable Trust, focused on supporting disabled and elderly community projects. We were established in 1988 and was originally known as Kuki Airani Aorangi Pakari Trust. It was run by two women who answered a need for homecare services for the Pacific Island elderly people in the local Otara community. They raised funds by making and selling tivaivai (Cook Island bedspreads).
We provide home-based care throughout the South Auckland region to the elderly and disabled communities. The underlying values of love, care and professionalism define Pacific Homecare and are reflected in the behaviour and actions of everyone who works for us.
The theme for the week was
`Ei rāvenga nāku i te tuatua i tōku reo Māori Kūki ’Āirani ka anoano au i te turuturu ā tōku ngutu`are tangata `ē te matakeinanga.
An encouraging home and community environment is what I need to build my love and my confidence to speak my reo Māori Kūki ’Āirani.
Mama Pi and Mama Matarina had a very strong vision from when they founded Pacific Homecare back in 1988 and this theme thoroughly embodies that vision.
So what better way to commemorate Mama Pi and Mama Matarina and than to celebrate their beautiful culture which shaped their vision and sharing it with our Pacific Homecare kopu.
Our loving mama’s and our wise papa’s celebrated Cook Island Language week at Metua Pakari in true Cook Island fashion with welcoming ceremonies, singing, dancing, and ofcourse! yummy kai!
Meitaki Ma’ata Kia Manuia
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